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Virtual Engagement

During this time of social distancing, virtual engagement presents a wonderful opportunity for learning and connection. 


The following e-workshops are offered for individuals, groups and teams:  

Let's Talk About Grief

Grief is a mandatory class in the school of life. Our COVID-19 world brings us into contact with a host of losses each and every day as we collectively mourn the loss of a world we once knew. And in doing so, we are also reminded of other losses that we have experienced and are currently navigating, personally and professionally. This webinar creates a safe space for open conversation about grief and loss, explores the impacts of loss and provides ways in which we can move through our grief. This workshop is relevant for the workplace too. 

Leading Through Lockdown: Purpose, Priorities and Practice

Covid-19 has dramatically transformed the regular routines of our public, personal and professional lives. Moment to moment, we are required to adjust and adapt for the purpose of survival, as pressures mount on global economies, healthcare systems and livelihoods. Amid acute stress and deep uncertainty, we are called to live, learn and lead in new ways. This interactive webinar will explore the role of leadership at this time of pandemic, will support you to distinguish between the various challenges at play and will help you to consider your options for action.

The emergence of Covid-19 has thrown the world into shock, uncertainty and volatility. Each day brings new challenges and fears to which we are required to adapt and adjust. This virtual workshop will explore the impacts of such uncertainties on the human brain and body; will help you to better understand anxiety and fear; and will equip you with practical self-care tools and actions to prioritise your wellbeing.


The 75-minute workshop includes both presentation-based learning and interactive participation.

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More online workshops will be made available soon.   

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